Our Masterpieces!

Throughout the first three weeks of this term we looked at creating self portraits using different artists perspectives. For the first portrait we painted ourselves on our classroom windows. This introduced  all our visitors to the Room 4 Learning Community.  For our second portrait we had to imagine ourselves as anything we liked. Some students were Hollywood starlets, while others builders, scientists, nurses and even football players. For our third and last portrait we looked at the artist Matisse and how he created his backgrounds using lines. shapes and bold colours. We also looked at an abstract technique which saw us painting our faces purple or green!

Our Learning Outcome was to...
Included all main facial features like our mouth, nose, eyes and ears, with most of these facial features the right size and shape and drawn in the right place. That we have added at least two other features of our face like our eyelashes, earrings. We have used line around the outside of our self-portrait to make our colour stand out and have used colour combinations to show differences in our skin and hair colour.

These portraits gave us the opportunity to explore the idea of abstract... where our choice of colour tells a story. Things are not always what they seem!
We then explored the artist Matisse and his idea of using shapes and lines as the background to our self-portraits.
These are our masterpieces...

Our Room 4 Learning Plan

Welcome to our Room 4 blog. This is where we will be sharing and reflecting on our learning and the 'goings on' in Room 4 over the coming year. We will share our learning, photos, art work and so much more.

For the first 3 weeks of this term our class worked on setting up class routines and expectations. We did a lot of brainstorming and sharing of ideas. We also took a closer look at our school values and how we could be better citizens and learners. From here we got to know each other and discovered lots of interesting bits and pieces! We also got to design and create our very own cushions. For this we used textile ink and fabric pens. They look amazing! Our next challenge was to learn how to sew on buttons, and that proved to be quite interesting!

The Student's Corner... Anita - I really like drawing our partners. Emma H - Doing our imagination portraits was the best part. Alicia - I like making our 'me' booklets, especially adding glitter to the front cover. I also liked painting ourselves on the window. Jack - I liked making our cushions. Beau - Doing fitness was the best part! Lauren - I liked doing my 'me' book. Zainab - Doing the portraits was fun. Sasha - I enjoyed making my cushion. Thomas doing my booklet and my cushion was fun. Emily - I liked painting on the windows. Jayden - Doing my imagination portrait was a whole lot of fun! Ellen - My 'me' booklet and cushion is what I like doing. Jorge - Making my cushion was cool fun.